Friday, November 30, 2012

Who Are the Best Article, Blog and Ad Distributors

Hopefully you have realised the importance of writing articles to attract people back to your website, but where do you publish these to get the best results??

The aim is to be on the first page of Google's search page, right? Because lets be honest many people don't usually go to page 2, 3 or onwards. By being on the first page you automatically get entered into the circle of trust with the customer, because if Google like you enough for you to be on THEIR first page then you must be alright!!

So which sites can get the required result of being on the first page of Google?

Man you are full of good questions today!!

Now I am fully aware that there are other search engines, but the simple fact is that about 70% of all searches are done with.... Google. So I am not dismissing the others, it just makes sense to talk about the one the is most used.

There are too many to mention, so I will just mention the big 3. The FREE 3.

EzineArticles: Is the Big Daddy, The Don, The Godfather of them all, and hence the most powerful! Publishing your articles here will undoubtedly get you listed on the first page of Google even with a competition force of up to 10,000 similar results. Know you don't get this fantastic result for no reason, your work will be scrutinised by a real person to check on the authenticity and quality of the work you produce. I have always said that you should not try and sell in your articles, but I will say it again. DO NOT TRY AND SELL IN YOUR ARTICLES. Affiliate links are NOT allowed so don't try and be clever and throw one in. Just point people back to your site, in the authors box at the bottom of your article you can put something like, "Did you find these tips on the above article on XXXX useful? You can learn a lot more about how XXXX can help you XXXX here. And you can get access to a FREE report"

I would also suggest setting up a free blog at or Again strictly no selling is allowed in body of your article. But the huge positive to using this large site or online publication is that because of its amazing page rank people WILL get to see your articles, which should get them back to your site, on your list and then hopefully bought into an affiliate product. Is another site that has a great page rank with Google, and is perfect for a new starter in internet marketing that doesn't have a website because GoArticles will allow you to link directly to the merchant website.

UsFreeAds: Is a great site for a fresh new starter with no website! Given the simple, but very important fact, that Google loves UsFreeAds should let you know using this is only going to be a positive for you my friend. Most of your ads will show up in 7 - 14 weeks on the first page. And the main advantages of UsFreeAds is that direct linking to merchant is allowed.

Now don't panic because you don't need to be an A grade English literature student to be good at article writing, you don't need to have a heart attack at the thought of having to do all this writing. There are options here!! You can pay someone to do it for you, you can buy them, or you can just read 4 or 5 different article and do what Bruce Lee did with martial arts. He took out the best bits from each different style, left out the bad bits and made his own martial art - Jeet Kun Do. You can do the same with article if you are running short of ideas.

To get your inspiration on what to write on you could just simply do a review Article, on a book you have bought or read recently, a movie, a piece of software you have just purchased, some real life experience that you have gone through highlighting what you liked and what you may have disliked. People love honest reviews like just as much as Winnie the Poo loves honey. I was going to use.. like a fat kid loves cake, but I didn't want to offend anyone!!!!

Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   

Article Marketing Automation Made Easy

Article Marketing Automation - The Time-Oppressed Entrepreneurs Response

Article Advertising Automation might be the response to all those that don't possess the time and energy into creating a post marketing campaign operate. Write-up marketing could maybe be incredibly successful as a number of Internet entrepreneurs have witnessed first hand on the other hand it can become a lengthy drawn out process that may drive many struggling to arrive across the time needed to get your group off the ground.

It could be considering that you have received an additional occupation which you simply are nonetheless operating but trying to get sufficient revenue to enable you to depart. It could quite possibly be primarily provided that you'd like to invest your time along with your family members or out fishing, reading through a ebook, taking a hike or something else you'd instead do than get the job done.

One For those who are trying to get a complete lot of labor accomplished inside a modest window of time, there's Post Advertising Automation.

1 of quite possibly the most irritating and time consuming components of undertaking post advertising is putting your post in enough places to obtain the utmost quantity of exposure. Write-up advertising is easy and low-cost to complete but is extremely time consuming trying to get revealed in all of the locations you'd like to become.

That is specifically where Post Advertising Automation comes in and aids you. Post Advertising Automation is usually a network of impartial online sites and blogs which have agreed to distribute article content for other Article Advertising Automation network members.

The outstanding factor about that is with the massive measurement on the growing network (at more than 2,000 members) you will be acquiring an added and more bigger number of online sites and blogs might be supplying you with a significantly bigger amount of hyperlinks for your sites.

Post Advertising Automation is not only perhaps the most time successful and price successful way of post advertising around, it's developing naturally. It is able to getting you ranked to the hugely first web page within nearly three weeks (and they offer coaching to accomplish this). It'll not only distribute your articles extensively, it'll supply you relevant content for your own web web sites and blogs.

How Article Marketing Automation functions is proper right after you have either written an article or had 1 written for you, you submit it to the Article Marketing Automation network...and that's it. It is nothing complicated, just that straightforward. What happens next is your post will likely be distributed to relevant web web sites giving you exposure, hyperlinks, and constructing your authority and traffic.

Article Marketing Automation comes with training on how most beneficial to make use of the network and get the most out of your efforts. They will show you how you may see dramatic will increase in your ranking over the next two and 3 months. They want you to be productive. They need to have you to be successful for this network to perform The much extra good results you encounter, the more others will encounter as well.

Article marketing is a exceptional and straightforward way to break into Web marketing and to get yourself that independence you not just crave but deserve. Write-up Marketing Automation gives you with much extra chances at success in a very quicker time-frame and will give you a significant network of individuals to assist you make it to the leading.

Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   

Is Ezine Advertising Legitimate? Read My Case Study

An 'ezine' can be a lot of things but it's basically just a big mailing list. Maybe it's a mailing list of a fitness guru or a mailing list that basically sends updates to people who frequently visit a particular website. You're probably already on some electronic newsletters or mailing lists already. The one thing an ezine cannot be is something is readily available via the web. An ezine should only be available through email.

Ezine advertising is one of the most cost effective ways of reaching a highly targeted niche. The following case study should help you get an understanding of how Ezine ads work:

My Case Study

In this one example, I paid $400 for sending emails to an ezine with approximately 90,000 subscribers. Now $400 sounds like a lot of money but to get this sort of exposure through advertising on PPC networks like Google AdWords or Yahoo Search would have cost me anywhere from $2-$3,000.

My $400 investment resulted in approximately 900 views, 400 opt-ins to my own ezine and then 20 sales of a $47 Clickbank product I'm an affiliate for. I more than made my money back and have an additional 400 users on my own mailing list.

Solo Ads

What I've found that works best is the solo ad. A solo ad is an email that the ezine owner sends out to the list that you're written. You control the subject line and the contents of the email. The case study I'm sharing with you was a solo ad. I use solo ads to lead to an opt-in page and once people on the ezine have opted into my own ezine I send them the ad to my own product or an affiliate product.

Finding and Approaching Ezine Owners

The best way to find ezines is to use online resources that collect ezine names, subscriber stats and provide you with contact information for the ezine owners. Some ezines will have clearly defined rates and for others it will be up to you to negotiate the rate yourself by contacting the owners.

Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   Websites That Have the Most Interesting, Relevant, and Engaging Articles   

How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?

Once you have developed your web site you need people to actually go to your site,

But how are they going to know you exist? (Especially when there will be so many other people trying to do the same).

How do you compete against the masses?

One of the FREE methods of getting people to know you, and hopefully getting to like and trust you is by you providing up to the date, valuable and good content that will help THEM. There are so many methods from writing Blogs, Articles, Press Releases and Classified Ad's. All these methods need to have links back to your website, they cannot be used to sell, just to give valuable information and get people back to your website. Your website or sales page is where the selling happens, NOT in the above methods. Their only purpose is to drive the traffic/ the people back to your website or sales page. But for this article I will simply focus on Articles writing.

Google is absolutely in love with article directory sites and has at the top of its list.


Because this is an area where the public can get new, fresh content relating to whatever subject they are looking at, whether that be Golf, motor racing, keeping fit, pets, affiliate marketing etc etc. I won't go on because the list is endless!!

Google also loves the classified ad sites UsFreeAds, for Ad writing.

Even though I am talking about Google there other search sites out there, but the most popular and most used is.... Google, so it's make sense to focus on this one.

If you post an ad for a Classified Ad, a message for a Blog or an article on any of the above sites, in the way I am going to describe to you below, It WILL show up on the first page of Google's search pages within 7 - 14 days days.

OK so the initial part is to do the writing, now comes the part of getting YOUR efforts noticed over the competition.

(Now before you start having a heart attack and thinking to yourself, 'I hate writing', there are people on the net that will do it for you, there are programs that if you submit one article can spin 50 versions of that same article, there are things already written where you can get idea's from.... so take a sigh of relief and carry on reading)

Right so how do you optimise your info over that of your competition?

If you were to log onto Google's search pages and type in any search phrase in quotes "" what you will see is a list of numbers and pages that bring up results relating to what you have put in, directly underneath the box where you typed in your request.

If you use short term phrases, such as 'Car Racing' you will find the numbers will go into the millions (about 4.2 million to be precise), which for you to compete with is WAY too many my friend.

But if you expand out your search phrase from, 'Car racing' to lets say 'How to race a car' you will find the figure fall from the millions to 8790. That's right that's less than 9 thousand. Now that's more a level playing field. Ideally you would need the figure to be under 5000.... BUT hopefully you get my point right?

You ARE going to show up on the first page of Google within 7-14 days, and for FREE.

Hopefully you are starting to see your little cake take some shape, we have got the filling and the cake made, now just to add the icing to the cake... so to speak.

The title of your article is the key to getting it read, so make sure your phrase you used in your search box is included in your article title! Just like what the papers, magazines do all the time!! But if it's not possible to get that as the title it has to be short, sweet and to the point. It has to grab the attention of the reader, enough for them to want to read more about it. Makes sense don't you think? If your title is boring why would people chose your article over the thousands of others? The final part to this 'cake' is to make sure the information you provide is relevant to the title.

Don't sell a lemon cake which is boxed up inside a chocolate cake box!!

Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   Free Article Marketing Strategies for Savvy Marketers   

Internet Content-Control Software

The cyber world is a big world, and this world is a free one. This sounds like a great thing, as the Internet can help you find and gather all the information you need, on any topic, and for free. Not only can you find a lot of useful content online, but you can also find a lot of interesting, creative content here. Videos, music, photos - only the sky is the limit! However, there are two sides to every coin, and the same rule applies to the online world. What this means is that despite the fact that the Internet comes with many advantages related to it, there are also a lot of downsides to using this great tool. The same way you can learn something new and useful everyday by browsing through web pages, you can also come across information that is not valid or appropriate for the age of the viewer.

Content Control

Anyone can publish content online, and this is both the biggest advantage and the biggest downside of the Internet. Taking into account that one of the prime misconceptions people have about the Net is that everything that online is true, this can be quite a problem. Note that not everything you read on the Internet is true, especially when it comes to content coming from websites with a bad reputation. You should always do some research before you take advice from a site you found online, and double-check the information you came across.

If you, for instance, want to remove a mole, you should never just go for the first piece of advice you see on a forum. On top of it all, this is not something you want to do at home, but it is always better to go to your doctor's and discuss this. However, this is not what most Internet users do nowadays, and because of this, it is very important to make the Internet safe for everyone who uses it.

Content-Control Software

There are many websites that are adult in nature, and parents are bothered by this as they often struggle to find a way to protect their kids whilst they're online. It is not just kids and teens that aren't safe online, but adults also may be victims of frauds, wrongful information and many other things. This is why the existence of software that will control online content is so important, and more than useful in many situations.

This is how the software works - it blocks the content a specific user is not supposed to see. There are different levels as well, at which content is blocked, and this can include blocking content nationwide. This means that the government can block the information they don't see ethically fit. Aside from this, your Internet service provider also has the power to block any content they disapprove of. Further on, blocking unwanted content can be done within a company, allowing the owner to block a certain type of content to its employees. Finally, people living within a household can block adult content or any similar type of content in order to prevent members of their family to access it. This is a great solution for parents who want to make sure their children don't get into any trouble while online, as well as ensure their kids are safe from all the dangers the online world brings.

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Factors That Impact Internet Security

The Internet is replete with innumerable benefits that aid modern living. One can now communicate and stay in touch with a friend or family member, in real time, from across the globe. Internet banking and shopping has taken off and considerably improved their services and security offering significant conveniences for everyone. But on the flipside, the Internet can also bring security risks that can increase exponentially if you do not make sure that you protect yourself from the prevailing threats online; especially since it's as simple as installing the latest antivirus software.

There are various factors that impact internet security but if you have the latest antivirus protection program installed in your computer system, then it will keep you safe and secure from the security threats that come almost on a daily basis via internet.

Listed below are some factors that internet security:


Spyware is a collective term that includes malware threats such as Trojans, adware, pop-up advertisement, modified cookies, key-logger and the like. Spyware does not include virus threats which are engineered to replicate themselves rather than spying or stealing information from computer systems. Basically spyware is configured in a certain manner to keep an eye on your online activities and uncover the security flaws. And that t is the first and foremost step in ensuring that your computer system is ready for stealing the vital information. With the help of spyware, computer hackers can steal sensitive information from your computer system-such as email and social networking user-ids and passwords, banking information, etc. And to keep your system safe and secure from spyware you must avoid free anti-spyware as many times it has been seen that most of the free anti-spyware programs turn out to be a spyware itself.

Spam Mail

Spam mails are not very dangerous; however, some of them may contain malicious links to websites and have some sort of embedded virus threats made using java-script or other similar programs. Once you click to browse or download (only if it contains downloadable files) your system can get severely affected with the embedded virus or even a spyware. And to avoid getting into these kinds of trap you must use the latest virus protection program along with the trusted email websites like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, etc., as they provide protection from spam mails by giving warning message as soon as you try to open an email from the spam or junk mail box.

Identity Theft

Hackers can steal sensitive information like credit/debit card details using numerous methods; and once they get access to it, they will use it for making online purchases using your credit/debit card details. In this situation only a well known antivirus software can protect you as most of the popular virus protection software comes with amazing features like offline scanning and protection, detects advanced threats, protects all emails from viruses, protects archived files and perform deep scans.

Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security   How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   Protect Your Privacy With Reputation Management   

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